
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Being in tune

As I walked home from downtown, oops thats misleading; I mean as I walked to the boat from downtown I think I became in tune with what the universe had to offer. Now bear with me I'm not a religious freak or hippy power kind of guy but now that I have time, more time to spend with family and more time to observe, I noticed this sign. This sign was out of place just sitting on a makeshift place holder, small and awkwardly hung, written by hand in front of an old building - some type of electric company. The kind of sign I would never consider reading in my land locked days. It read farm fresh eggs for sale and I began to recall that my wife did ask me to get fresh eggs. I was heading to the farmers market to get eggs and it was a about a dozen blocks to go so I needed to decide then and there and for some reason I turned back and stepped inside the old building. That's where I meet two ladies who were just as interested in my new lifestyle as I was with the chicken eggs. We talked for a bit about chickens, sailing and life. It was strange but I ended up getting two dozen of the fresh eggs, so fresh in fact that the average modern American would not consider even touching them. My wife and I on the other hand seek out these type of eggs because they have a natural coating that preserves them and we will soon soak them in water glass so that they can last up to nine months without using a refrigerator. As new sailors we are learning that modern devices are not welcome on a small sailing ships so we must be creative and refer back to an older style of living. A style of living that is sustainable and at the least allows us to be together more often.

Now this "being in tune with the universe" payed off again because when I finally arrived at the farmers market a few minutes later, I discovered they had closed. My wife was happy she got her eggs and I meet two very nice women who sell very natural eggs. I'll be listing to the universe more often, as a sailor it shows us where to go when we are lost, gives us a bit of warning when bad weather is coming and for all I know guides me to fresh eggs too.

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